What is difference between A320 and A330?
What is difference between A320 and A330?
Depends on the A320, older ones go into degraded modes more often as a response to failure conditions, newer A320s with sharklets are more like the A330. On the A330 you are less likely to be in direct law after gear down, with the A320 with a number of failure cases it results in direct law after gear down is selected, some of these cases are not were the sharklets allow the aircraft to remain in alternate law.
On the flight control system point of view, the A330 does not have FACs, those functions are part of the FM Envelope GC (FMEGC vs FMGC). The A330 still has prims and secs. The A330Es have electric rudder control.
Fuel system is different, the A330 with a trim tank, some A330s have fuel dump capability.
Hydraulics are a different, with two hydraulic pumps per engine on the A330, instead of the blue electric pump on the A320, a lot more redundancy available on one engine with the A330.
The cockpit is very similar, the biggest difference overhead is the location of the APU fire PB, it is off to the side to have space in the middle for two additional PBs for the A340.
No expedite button on the glare shield on the A330. Engine parameters can be displayed on the ND on the A330.
Handling wise much the same, the A330 has a better glide ratio, more like a 4:1 profile above FL150 for descents, also the A330 take more room to slow down. When on the glide-slope, the A330 does not want to slow down, really need to be config 2 intercepting the glide, it will maintain around 180 kts indicated then.
The additional inertia makes the A330 easier to land in gusty and turbulent conditions.
If you have other informations or your research please do not hesitate to comment below. Thank you.
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